We have published more validations than ever before. OSHA approved?
Assay Technology has been in business over 30 years. We have always performed many validations Almost annually, we have presented them at the AIHce. However there has also been so much data, we have been slow to publish the validations. So we have made it a point of emphasis in 2018-2019.
There are more validations available online than ever before. To see them, use the main menu under Air Samplers. They are also available in the product summaries or click here for the list.
Are all chemicals validated?
The laboratory performs reporting limit studies, calibrations, and desorption efficiency studies on every chemical. However, there are just too many chemicals to lab verify the sampling rate for all the 525/546/525 chemicals. (Obviously, it is easy to validate the ammonia monitor for ammonia, compared to the 566 badge for 100 or so chemicals.) The chemicals that do have a lab verified sampling rate represent over 95% of the badges received for analysis. For the others, strong representative groups are used and sampling rates are extrapolated.
Are Assay Badges OSHA approved?
OSHA is careful to remind anyone that they are not in the business of validating products for commercial use. If they were, we would have submitted our badges for “approval” long ago. Here is a link to Dr. Manning’s statement about OSHA “approval”.
From his statement:
Occupational hygiene practitioners are aware that NIOSH certifies respirators for use in the USA, and that OSHA and NIOSH each publish a list of air sampling methods on their websites. This has led some to assume that either OSHA or NIOSH evaluates, approves, or certifies air samplers or air sampling methods. This is not true, nor has it ever been true.